
Showing posts from October, 2018

Asana, & Pranayama

Asana, & Pranayama   Sukushasan What is posture? Stable Sukhmasanam - which is also stable and soothing or comfortable, it is asana. Mostly, when we are sitting comfortably, then it is not stable and if you sit steady and sit straight then stems are not comfortable in it. Asana means when you are still stable and are happily in that state.  Tried efforts health-related  The most important thing in the asana is to leave the effort loosely. Feeling of infinity, while feeling the body and leaving the effort loose, Anantasamapatabhyaam - It is only a feeling to have a feel from the infinite sky. What happens when you are awakening consciously whenever you do? You feel like light in your inner light and empty sky in the practice of asana. Tried effort - it is important to leave the effort. When you sit happily in a seat, the one who enjoys sitting is the only happiness. You sit comfortably and feel, 'Oh wow. It is so much fun to sit down,...

Major postures of yoga and their benefits

 Major postures of yoga and their benefits # Improves your Immunity Gomukhasana Both legs sit in front and out. Bend the left foot and place the heel near the right buttocks. Bend the right foot on the left foot so that both knees should be on each other. Turn the right hand up and turn to the back and grab the left hand from the back of the back and hold the right hand. Keep neck and waist straight. After doing it for about one minute, do it the other way. Tip: - Hold the hand (left / left) hand up on the right side of the foot. Benefit:- The testicle is particularly beneficial in growth and bowel growth. Beneficial in metallurgical, multimetric and gynecological diseases. Strengthens the liver, kidneys and thoracic sites. Rheumatoid arthritis removes the backbone. #Major postures of yoga and their benefits Gorakhshan / Gorakhshasana Method:- Mix the legs and edges of both legs together and keep them in front. Now sit on the suture pulse (bet...

Improves your Immunity

                     I mproves your Immunity Increasing the risk of viral infections and viral diseases in changing the weather.  Difficulties like colds, colds, fever, headache and body ache are common during this time.  To guard against this, you take care of cleanliness and take care of food.  The risk of these diseases is higher in those people whose immune system i.e. weakens the immune system.  Therefore, if you practice yoga exercises that strengthen your immune system,  then you can avoid these viral diseases and infection. Let's tell you the same yoga,  which improves your immunity. Sarvangasana. The most important thing of universalization is that doing this benefits all the organs of your body,  that is why it is called Sarvangasana. Regular practice of this posture enhances your immunity  and keeps you away from diseases. This posture is al...