Easy Yoga for Beginners

       12 Easy Yoga for Beginners

 Yoga is the best exercise for our body, which helps us stay healthy physically and mentally. Yoga keeps our body healthy both inside and outside both sides.Some people do not do yoga because they think yoga is very difficult or they will not be able to do it. Some people start yoga with some Yoga Poses which are a bit tricky and initially provide difficulties due to which they leave Yoga.The beginnings of yoga should always be done with a few simple Yoga Poses because the first time it can be a bit difficult to do. If you can practice on the yoga postures below are going to start to use is very simple and can be beneficial for health.Today, we will tell you the best easy Poses for Yoga Beginners and also about Health Benefits from them. So let's know what are the yoga postures for the best start?

Adho Mukha Svanasana Yoga

First of all stand straight and keep the distance between the two legs.
After that gently move downwards so that the shapes like V will be formed.
As you see in the photo given above, make a little second between the two hands and feet.
While breathing, pull your waist backward with the help of fingers of your feet. Do not turn your legs and hands straight.
By doing this, you will get good stretching behind your body, arms, and legs.
Take a long breath and wait for some delay in this Yoga Pose.
Benefits of Adho Mukha Svanasana Yoga

Strengthens the muscles.
The problem of the sinus is solved.
The body gets good stamina
Blood circulation improves.

Tadasana Yoga

First of all stand with the help of your feet.
Make a little space between your legs.
After this, lift your body slightly with the help of fingers of your feet with a long breath and lift your two hands up slowly. 
After that, add one finger to the fingers of your fingers.
Stay in this posture for at least 15-30 seconds and drag your body up and down.
After that gradually bring your fingers in normal condition.

Benefits of Tadasana Yoga

This posture proves to be more beneficial for those who want to increase their length.
The currency improves.
Keeps away from the problems of the spine.

Sukhasana Yoga

Steps of Sukhasana Yoga

First, lay a gap on the floor and sit and twist both legs.
The feet twist in something like this that the lower part of one leg is seen outside and the other is below the thighs of the next leg.
After that sit straight and keep your reed bone upright.
Put the palms of your hands on your knees and hold the tongue of wisdom.
Slowly breathe long and slowly exhale.
Benefits of Sudhasan Yoga Benefits of Sukhasana Yoga.

Benefits of Sukhasana Yoga

Reed's bone is a stretch which helps in prolonging the reed bone.
The width of the chest increases.
The mind gets peace.
Diseases related to anxiety, stress and mental fatigue are removed.

Shavasana Yoga

Steps of Shavasana Yoga

This is a very easy yoga posture, but it has very important benefits to the body.
First of all, take a beggar at a flat place.
After that lie up and down and lie down.
Keep your legs separate from each other.
After that briefly breathe and leave for a few minutes.

Benefits of Shavasana Yoga

This gives the body comfort.
Improves attention / concentration.

Virabhadrasana Yoga

Steps of Virbhadrasana Yoga

First of all stand straight.
Keep a distance of 3-4 feet between the two legs.
Take long breathe and lift both hands in parallel to the ground and turn your head to the right.
After that exhale, turn your right leg in 90 degrees and turn slightly lower right.
See the photo to understand how to turn the leg.
After that, wait for some time in this position.
Do such 5-6 times.

Benefits of Virbhadrasana Yoga

This yoga posture gives strength to feet and arms.
The lower part keeps the body healthy.

Vrikasana Yoga

First of all put your two hands together and stand straight.
After that carefully keep your right foot on the thigh of your left foot and stand straight. Look at the photos to understand.
After that, gradually move the hands up to the shoulders and hold the prayer mudra.
Try to balance in this currency for at least 30-45 seconds.

Benefits of Vrikshasana Yoga

Improving balance.To strengthen thighs,
 legs and reed bone.

Setubandhasana Yoga

Steps of Setubandhasana Yoga

In this yoga posture, you have to make your body like a bridge.

First, lie down on the ground and place your arms on either side.
Seeing the picture given in the picture, lift the lower part of your body.
Take a long breath in that currency and wait for approximately 25-30 seconds.
After that slowly bring your body down and bring it to the first posture.
Repeat this Yogas 4-5 times.

Benefits of Setubandhaan

Strengthens the chest.

Also, the rear and the reed bone are also healthy.
The anxiety of the mind goes away.

Trikonasana Yoga

Steps of Trikonasana Yoga

First stand first and place a few gap between your legs.

Then fold your right leg in 90 degrees.
After that, touching a little body also on the right side, touch the fingers of your right foot from your right hand and keep the left hand above and straight into the picture as given in the photo.
Pause in this currency for 1-2 minutes.

Benefits of Trikonasan Yoga

The whole body gets good stamina.

Improves blood circulation.
Kidney remains healthy.

Ardha Matsyendrasana Yoga

Steps of Artha Matsyendrasana Yoga

First sit down straight down.
Then fold your left foot and try to touch the right side of your back. Look at the photos to understand.
After that move your right leg to the front of your left foot and keep it. The right leg should touch the ground on the next side.
After that, stretch your body towards the opposite side of the foot or drag it in the opposite direction and try to touch the foot from the back to the next.
Pause in this currency for 20-30 seconds. Then repeat this yoga in the next direction too.
Benefits of Ardha Matsyendrasana Yoga
Muscles get good stamina.

Reed's bone strengthens.
Blood circulation occurs correctly.
Protects the body from constipation and indigestion

Bhujangasana Yoga

Steps of Bhujangasana Yoga

First, lie down on the lower side of the abdomen.

After that with a long breath, move the upper part of your body such as head, neck, shoulders, and chest upwards, as shown in the picture.
Pause in this currency for 20-30 seconds.
Then repeat this posture again 4-5 times.
Benefits of Bhujangasana Yoga
Removes acidity and gas problem in the stomach.
Obesity is low.
Blood circulation occurs correctly.
Removes indigestion and constipation complaints.

Badhakonasana Yoga

Steps of Badhakonasana Yoga

First, lay down a gap on the ground and sit straight.
After that, the parts below your two legs will be added to the front and add.

Then try to hold the bottom of the attached area of both feet as in the picture.

After that move your feet like a butterfly's wings.

You can also fast this seat.

 Benefits of Baddhakonasana Yoga

Keep the stomach parts healthy

Also keeps kidney healthy.

Balasana Yoga

Steps of Balasana Yoga

First, turn your feet back and do the curves like done in the picture and keep your 

two hands in your thighs and sit straight.
After that slowly add your chest to the knees while breathing.
After that, you can keep your fingers straight forward and keep back.
After that slowly breathe slowly and stay in that currency for 2-3 minutes.
Repeat this Yoga 5-10 times.

 Benefits of Balasana Yoga

Mental contemplation is far away.
Waist pain is removed.
This post is for informational purposes only. 
Please ask your Yoga Expert before starting any of these yoga sessions. 

Hope you got good information from this post.


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