Yogasan Postures

                         Yogasan Postures

Yoga brings balance in every aspect of our life. It teaches us to try and then gives knowledge of dedication, free from the result. Yoga improves our physical flexibility and develops our thoughts.
Yoga should be done with the aim of breathing and awareness. When we raise our hands for yoga, then first we are alert towards our hands and then we raise it gradually, do it with rhythm in rhythm. Going from one posture to yoga to another is beautiful like a dance. Whatever we can do with ease in every posture, do a little more than that, and then rest in comfortably, it is the key to yoga. These asanas develop our mind after carrying the body beyond our acceptable limits.                   

                         Paschim Namaskarasana

Here the West is used in the direction of the backward by not pointing to the direction of the direction. West Namaskaran or backwards greeting, strengthens the upper part of the body and mainly works on the arms and stomach. It is also called opposite Namaskaran.

How to do 
Paschim Namaskarasana

  • Get started with Tadasan.
  • Keep your shoulders loose and bend your knees a bit.
  • Take your arms backwards and attach your palms to the fingers below.
  • Turning the fingers to the back of the spinal cord, bend the breath.
  • Keep in mind that your palms are well-matched and the knees bend slightly.
  • Take some breaths while staying in this seat.
  • Bringing fingers down to the breath
  • Bring the arms in its natural state and come to Tadasan.

Benefits of the Paschim Namaskarasana

  • Opening the stomach, it is easy to take deep breaths.
  • The upper part of the back comes in the pull.
  • Adds the shoulders and pulls the chest muscles.


                         Eagle pose | Garudasana

How to do Garudasana

  • Stand in tadasan

  • Fold your knees and lift the left leg and turn it on the right foot.
  • Note that the right leg is hinged on the ground and the left thigh is on the right thigh 
  • I should have the left toe finger towards the ground.
  • Bring your hands forward to the front while keeping parallel to the ground.
  • Cross the right hand over the left hand and fold your elbow in an angle of 90 degree from
  •  the ground. Note that the back parts of the hands are towards each other.
  • Slowly move the hands in such a way that the palms come in front of each other.
  • Raise the palms upwards while pressing the palms on each other.
  • Keep your vision constant and stay in this state and keep breathing and keep away.
  • Gently leave the hands and bring it next to you.
  • Take the left leg slowly and keep it on the ground and come back to Tadasan.

 Garudasana Benefits

  • Stretches the waist, thigh, shoulders and upper part of the back.
  • Increases body balance.
  • Strengthens the foot muscles.
  • Reduces sciatica and is beneficial in rheumatism.
  • Makes the waist and feet more flexible.

If you have a knee, ankle or an elbow injury, then avoid this asana.

we will continue with two asanas daily from here.


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