Yoga is a mind and body practice, combine physical postures, breathing techniques, and meditation or relaxation.
what is yoga?
The Sanskrit metal is derived from 'yuj', which means the union of individual consciousness or soul, universal consciousness or union with soul. Yoga is the five-thousand-year-old style of Indian knowledge. Although many people consider yoga only as a physical exercise, where people break, jerk, pull and adopt complex ways of breathing. This is actually the most superficial aspect of this deep science, which reveals the infinite potential of man's mind and soul. Acquire the full essence of lifestyle in yoga science.History of Yoga
Yoga is in circulation for more than ten thousand years. The most famous of the contemplative tradition is the mention, in the decadent scientist, the oldest surviving literature is found in Rigveda. This again gives us the philosophy of the Indus-Saraswati civilization. From the very same civilization, the Pashupati seal (coin) on which is a figure swaying in a yoga posture, which reflects the generality of yoga in that ancient period. However, the oldest Upanishad, also in the Brihadaranyak, has been mentioned as a part of yoga, various physical exercises are mentioned. The recitation of the Chhodogya Upanishad gives a mention of the practice of pranayama in a eulogy (Ved Mantra) of the Brihadaranyak. As it is, the mention of the present form of "yoga", for the first time, probably mentions in Kuppanishad, it is included for the first time in the last eight classes of Yajurveda, which is a main and important Upanishad. The process of yoga in here (inner) journey or the development of consciousness,
In the Siddha dialogue, "Yoga Yagnavalkya", which is described in the Upanishad (Greater Aranyakanya Upanishad), in which Baba Yagnavalkya and the disciple Brahmavidya Gargi, many breath-taking exercises, asanas, and meditation are mentioned for cleaning the body. Gargi has also been talking about Yogasana in Chhodogya Upanishad.
Yes, it is mentioned in the codes that in ancient times, harsh physical conduct, meditation and penance was practiced by Munis, Mahatmas, talks (sabhas) and various monks and saints.
Yoga has gradually emerged as a concept and along with the Bhagavad Gita, there is a detailed mention of Yoga in the Mahabharata also in Shant Parvar.
There are more than twenty Upanishads and Yoga Vastshas available, in addition to the Mahabharata and Bhagavad Gita already, the yoga is said to be associated with supreme consciousness.
Ancient of Hindu philosophy
Yes, it is mentioned in the codes that in ancient times, harsh physical conduct, meditation and penance was practiced by Munis, Mahatmas, talks (sabhas) and various monks and saints.
Yoga has gradually emerged as a concept and along with the Bhagavad Gita, there is a detailed mention of Yoga in the Mahabharata also in Shant Parvar.
There are more than twenty Upanishads and Yoga Vastshas available, in addition to the Mahabharata and Bhagavad Gita already, the yoga is said to be associated with supreme consciousness. Yoga has been discussed in the form of an ancient fundamental form of Hindu philosophy and perhaps it has been mentioned in the most elaborate Patanjali yoga sutra. In his second form, Patanjali defines yoga as something in this form:
"Yoga: Anxiety Disorder:" - Yoga Sutra 1.2
Patanjali's writing also became the basis for Ashtanga Yoga. The five pledges of Jainism and the roots of Yoga of Buddhism are rooted in Patanjali Yoga Sutras.
Hatha Yoga was developed in the medieval era.
Yoga scriptures: Patanjali Yoga Sutra
Patanjali is considered as the father of yoga and his yoga threads are completely devoted to the knowledge of yoga.
The ancient scriptures Patanjali Yoga Sutras, you light (benefit) from the knowledge of yoga, and all about the origin and purpose of yoga. This interpretation of the Yoga Sutras is to make the principles of yoga and to make the practice of Yoga Sutras more understandable and easier. Attempts have been made to focus on whether a 'yoga lifestyle' can be used to experience the ultimate benefits of yoga. also discussed a lot on the Yogasutra Upanishad. In Gita, there are highlighted various organs of yoga, like Samyakti, Karmayog, Bhaktiyog, Rajguyiyyog and Vyutibya Yoga.
Yoga for everyone. Yog for all
Among the beauties of yoga, there is also a virtue that physical practice of yoga is beneficial for the young, healthy (fit) or the weak, and it leads everyone towards progress. Along with age, your understanding of asana becomes more sophisticated. After working on the external direct and yoga technique (texture) we begin to do more work on inner subtle and ultimately we are only going in asana.Yoga has never been unknown to us. We are doing this since, When we were a child. Whether it is the "cat stretch" posture which strengthens the spine or the wind-free posture which enhances digestion, we will always be able to make infants some form of yoga throughout the day. Many people can have lots of significance for yoga. There is a determination to help in deciding the "direction of your life through yoga"!
Breathing techniques
Breathing techniques, pranayama, and meditation (Dhyaan)It is pranayama to control and extend breath. The practice of proper breathing techniques helps to control the life and vital life energy, to give more oxygen to the blood and brain. Pranayam also goes along with various yoga postures. The combination of yoga asana and pranayama is considered to be the highest form of purification and self-discipline for body and mind. Pranayama technique also prepares us to get a deeper experience of meditation.
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